Books and Publications of Dr. Vincent Keny
Awakening is not for the faint of heart. It takes you to the very edge of your perceived capabilities, beyond the limits that you had taken for granted. It is a cruel, dark, liberating and uplifting adventure at the same time. You were born to experience Swami through this provisional human experience. Step by step and moment to moment, you develop what was tightly enveloped and well hidden in your deepest core. This little book is here to prompt you that you are neither alone nor crazy. In fact, you are leaving the craziness of life and discovering what it truly means to be natural and free. Swami might speak to you and resonate with where you are at, right now; maybe it reminds you of a version of you from the past, or maybe they awaken your curiosity of what is about to approach. I am grateful I get to share this with you.
This is a book on self-development. Every search begins with a question. The Ultimate search—search for the self—begins with the most important question, “Who am I.” It is easy to get lost or distracted on this journey. It is also easy to feel alone. As if there is no one who can help you make sense of something that seems to have such an easy answer. This book makes it possible to embark on the journey of self-development without fear. It might not have all the answers, but it guides the earnest seeker to find answers within oneself. Although, existence is transient it can be fulfilling. This book creates an awareness that we are all one with the Cosmic Consciousness. It offers directions to help us recognize the witness inside us which is the most important thing we do in our life. This is presented in an easy to read language. The author describes ways to self-development, realization and the fulfilment of all your dreams.
Wakeup Inventory - Paper
Earlier, high rational intelligence or IQ was believed to be the most important quality to succeed in life in the 20th century. The theory of emotional intelligence (EI) was propounded very much in the mid 1990s to control one’s own emotions and others’ emotions and to propound literally well in life. Spiritual Intelligence (SI) was highlighted as the ultimate intelligence by the end of 20th century and became important for proper functioning of EQ and IQ. It is commonly spoken as “Wakefulness” as it enables human beings to alter situations, wake up their creativity and ability to discriminate. Spiritual intelligence is applied to differentiate between what is right and what is wrong in the given framework of situation or society, while listening to voice from within. Objective – This article is aimed to explore how to understand one’s own intelligence and apply spiritual intelligence or wakefulness in daily life so that they can improve their quality of life. Methodology – In order to fulfil the above objective, this article suggests a special tool “Wakeup Inventory” to understand wakefulness from within and spiritual level, so that one can improve in life. Results – Wakefulness is the quality which is very important in this day and age to connect with one’s own self and others through self-awareness and compassion. Without a sense of spiritual well-being, one cannot improve their quality of life.
Inclusive Entreprenuership - Paper
This study proposes the conceptual framework for inclusive “Learning and Development (L&D)” practices to improve entrepreneurial competency. To align with the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) proposed by the United Nations (UN)” towards 2030, this study analyses the gaps in context of learning delivery, entrepreneurial learning, and roles of interlocutors. The study unfolds the attributes of entrepreneurial competencies while advocating for the development of inclusive model in the entrepreneurial learning and development domain. A lot of studies have posited completely in learning delivery, learning theories, and role of speakers to achieve “Entrepreneurial Competencies (EC)”. However, there is a lack of studies to adapt an inclusive and dynamic model for the amalgamation of learning delivery, learning theories, and interlocutors to affect the sustainability of entrepreneurial competency. This study proposes inclusive L&D to achieve entrepreneurial sustainability using content analysis to come up withan inclusive and dynamic conceptual framework which consists of learning delivery and learning theories. The study establishes an inclusive L&D framework for entrepreneurial competency to bridge the gap between learning and development. This framework would assist executives and entrepreneurs to achieve competency in sustainable development to meet the UN’s 2030 agenda.